Introduce your business to the online world and expand its reach to millions.

Brand Strategy

Our Branding Experts, will carefully understand your business and the intended messaging of your Brand. Our research team works on understanding the market and the competitive differentiators of your business. By knowing the current strengths & weaknesses of your brand and its value to your customers, we are able to layout strategies on how to Position/Re-position your Brand in the market.

Our Brand Strategists will look to establish or refine your Internal Branding (Mission, Vision, Values, Company Culture), External Branding (Logo, Social Media, PR, Website, Emails, Collaterals etc) and most importantly, your Customer’s Experience with your Brand (Sales Culture, Customer-facing support and policies).

Brand Assessment and Audit

Evaluate your Brand’s position in the current market. We will evaluate the strengths and weakness of your current Internal, External and Customer facing Branding activities.

Brand Positioning/Re-positioning

Our experts work extensively to identify how to position your Brand in the market using various strategies such as Price, Benefits, Usage, Product Class, Competition, User groups & Symbolisms.

Research & Insights

Not only is there a heavy market research involved from our end, but our experts work closely with you and report our understanding of the markets.

Vision, Mission & Values development

This is an important phase as this defines the Internal Branding and the Culture of your organization. Your business derives meaning from this, and this defines the way your customers are engaged with you.

Product & Service Innovation

Through a Comprehensive Brand Audit, we analyze the gaps between Company’s Offerings and your Customer’s Expectations. We, then work with you to conceptualize innovations in your current Product and/or Service offerings to your customers.

Competitive Research

It is imperative to constantly stay ahead of your competition. Know that, if you are innovating, your competition is innovating as well. Which is why, we monitor Competitor activities closely and work to keep your Brand Perception & Messaging to your customers as distinct and memorable as possible.


Design Strategy

It isn’t enough to just create a perception in the minds of your customers. It is equally important for them to see you. See your Brand Identity. They say that a Picture speaks a thousand words. We at Sciens believe a good visual image creates a thousand customers.

Today, your customers have access to an ocean of information. This in turn decreases the Brand retention in the minds of your customers. Whether they access information through Print, Video, TV, or Social Media, you have less than a second to catch the eye of your prospective buyers. Our design experts use everything from Color palette to the imagery to the content to make your marketing and messaging draw your customer’s interest to your business.

With our Creative and Experienced designers, your Brand can be rest assured that all your Branding materials that are created are visually striking and messaged in such a way that your Customers always think of your Brand before your competitors.

Brand Identity

Your Brand’s Identity is focused on ensuring that you are differentiated effectively from your competitors in the minds of your customers. This could very well be done be the efficacy and creativity of your Brand Name, Logo, typography, color, packaging and/or messaging.

Collateral Design

Your Marketing collaterals need to be as ‘to-the-point’, creative and impactful, as they can get. Quickly connect with your end users about the key benefits. Every aspect of your Brand that the customer sees, should have a positive and a long lasting effect on them.

Company Presentations

Company presentations along with your Marketing Collaterals are the ammunition of your Sales Team. A well crafted crafted presentation goes a long way in being an enabler for your Sales Teams and defining your Brand Image to customers. Not only should it look good, but it should also be able to communicate your selling points effectively.

Packaging Design

Any and everything you do should be directed towards enhancing your Brand Image and facilitate Sales. This means, not just work on your Product, but also, its presentation to the Customers. We ensure that your products are packaged in a way that helps you entice more customers, provides information that facilitates purchase and has its own Utility value for the customer.

Product Design

We assist your teams from the conceptualization to the commercialization of your product, helping you evaluate different ideas and the subsequent business viability. We work with you not only on the technology of your product but the art of your product as well to offer the best possible version of a product to your end customers.


A picture speaks a thousand words. Our Photography team tries to up that proverb by ensuring the message that is delivered to your end customer is apt and conveys the entire story.

Videos and Motion

Convey more than just words through a carefully planned and scripted video that creates an impact on your end-users. Today, TV isn’t the only place where your audiences can view Videos. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and many more avenues have opened up to reach out to your audiences. Which is why, it has NOW become critical for Businesses to incorporate a Video Marketing Strategy into their Marketing strategies.

Digital Marketing

Today, people aren’t reading newspapers or looking at hoardings as much as they are staring at their phones!! Don’t you think it’s high time, the next time your customers use their device, they see your brand name??

What makes us one of the best Digital Marketing Companies today, is the fact that we take a holistic approach to your Digital Marketing needs. We ensure that we comprehensively chalk out a Digital Marketing Strategy that ensures larger visibility to your customers and drives Business Growth.

Customers and Businesses are moving online at a rapid rate. The acceptability of Online Commercial activities and Trade has surpassed most optimists. We believe that you as a Business need to be as aggressive in the Digital World, as you are in the Traditional markets.

Today, a well strategized Digital Marketing plan can influence Buyer behavior. It is a more convenient means to reach out to more audience globally in a lesser time span.

Strategic Digital Marketing activities can ensure the following for your businesses.

  1. Improved Brand Awareness
  2. Increased Website Traffic
  3. Greater Leads = More Conversions
  4. Increased Sales and Revenues
  5. Competitive Superiority

Our Digital Marketing Specialists help differentiate your businesses and drive business profitability. We research and work extensively on all aspects of Digital Marketing to ensure that you have

  1. A Global outreach
  2. Newer means of Customer engagement
  3. Higher Sales Conversion
  4. Increased Customer Loyalty
  5. Measurable results
  6. Decreased Costs


We understand your niche and can boost your rankings in SERP and increases organic traffic to your website through our strategy.

Social Media

Through Social Media Marketing we build your brand in a unique way and introduce new customers to your services & Products

Pay Per

With our expertise strategy we will generate qualified leads, increase your revenue, expand your reach and immediate results.


Through video marketing Sciens Technologies will help to build trust and value for your services and products to audience.


With our proven strategic email marketing strategies can generate qualified sales, build relationships and drives a wide range of marketing initiatives support.

Corporate Branding

Business branding is an essential factor for any organization. With our passionate branding and creative design solutions can achieve your branding goals.

Online Reputation

For any business a single negative content can damage brand reputation. Collaboration with Sciens build your impressive online presence


With our Effective content strategies can attract new customers and increases engagement. It will helps to get good positions in Search engine results page.

Free SEO Analysis

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      4th Floor, Plot no. 57, Dwaraka Central Building, Hitech City Rd, VIP Hills, Jaihind Enclave, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana 500081

      Mon – Fri: 09:00 – 19:00 Hrs

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      102 S Tejon Street suite #1100, Colorado spring, CO 80903

      +1 845-240-1734

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